My apologies for not having updated this in sometime. We had company through the holidays and prior to that celebrated our 3oth wedding anniversary. Also, I ran out of decorating ideas to talk about. Instead, I have taken more time for my writing. I had planned to attend the Mt. Herman Christian Writer's Conference in April this year, but found out that the person I wanted to room with was not going until next year.
I was at first disappointed but it has worked out for the good. I am working on two books and decided that I could take this year to make them more worthy. My Gifts for the Road book, about Jesus, Joseph and Mary’s trip to Egypt has been with various agents over the past year and I have had rejections…except for the agency that I removed it from. They were a do nothing agency. In the mean time, I decided to re-read the story and make some significant changes. I restarted the beginning of the book with a little more action, and I think it reads better. I also found a couple of errors that were missed in the beginning of sending the book out. I also changed the ending and improved on it.
My other book, which I wrote 10 years ago, but never really polished, I have completely re-written. I changed the time frame from 1798 England to 1931 California and had a great time doing it. I also needed to make the story twice as long – it was more of a novella. Hence, I have added a great deal to it. It is one of my favorite stories, and now I have a year to really polish it. ‘
I understand that attending a writer’s conference is almost a sure in to getting an agent’s attention, and that is the only reason I am planning to go….UNLESS…an agent accepts one of them before that. I do plan to send the Gifts for the Road book out to more agents. You never know, after all it is in God’s hands and he is in charge. That’s all for now..